Monday, July 31, 2017


We had a visitor this morning!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Goodbye, Griffin

On Sunday, we walked around the corner to say goodbye to Winnie's best buddy from kindergarten, Griffin Beard. He's moving to Sylvania.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Emojis 🙂🙂🙂

Kit & Winnie came up with the idea to make Emoji pictures for their rooms. On Saturday, we all went to The Strand to watch the Emoji movie.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Balance Beam

Winnie has been wanting a balance beam for the gym, so we made one!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Kit's Tonsillectomy

Kit was a trooper on Thursday when she had her tonsils and adenoids removed at the Nationwide Children's Hospital Surgery Center in Westerville. They gave her a new friend named Gilda to keep her company while she waited. Kit also worked on a doughnut banner. She said, "It was really scary, but I got tons of ice cream afterward."

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

7 Weeks Old

Emmers is 7 weeks old! He loves to look at ceiling fans and is amazingly tolerant of his sisters' exuberance toward him. He doesn't care for wet diapers or a gassy tummy. His happiest time of day is in the morning.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Girls' Day Out

We had a girls' day out (+ Emmers) on Monday. First we played some putt putt at Magic Mountain. Winnie is pretty good! Then we had a "junk feast" at Sonic Drive-In. Before heading home, the girls had a blast shopping at Five Below. 

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Baby Bo

We loved meeting tiny, sweet Baby Bo on Saturday. Isn't he the cutest little thing? The five of us spent time with Kara, Cody, and Bo at their house before seeing the entire gang at dinner at Papa and GG's.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Indian Lake

We were fortunate to have awesome weather at Indian Lake on Friday afternoon. Seth and I enjoyed our first ride on Uncle Jim's boat while Aunt Berchie cuddled with the little man. Then we went swimming at Pirate's Cove.

John & Jo

The girls' Grandma Jo and Grandpa John returned them home after having them spend the night. They got to see how the girls take such good care of Emerson.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The "5 Family"

Kit coined us the "5 Family" on her latest chalkboard creation. Once Emmers was good and tired, the girls fetched this onesie, a gift from the Gravitts.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Ari's Luau

We had a fun and busy Saturday, including ice cream with Kit's 2nd grade class, Ari's luau, and a gathering at the Fox's.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Visit with the Bargers

Pat, Jack, and Jeff came for dessert Friday. They were so excited to meet Emerson and see the girls. It was great catching up.

Make It Monday: Repurposed Stockings

The girls made tablet covers and exercise gear from old socks and tights.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

5 Weeks Old

I took my 5-week-old sweetie for a walk this morning at Alum Creek State Park Beach.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Jess Meets Emerson

Jess got to meet Emerson on Tuesday following a work meeting in Dublin. Looks like he's a fan, too!

A Visit with the Rostons

The Rostons got to meet Emerson on Tuesday. 20 years out from high school, and Amy and I both have 3 kids and appreciate our mini vans. Who would have guessed?

Monday, July 10, 2017


This summer the girls have been advancing their gymnastics at Gym X-treme. Winnie is pictured practicing floor work in the top photo, and you can see an airborne Kit in the bottom photo (to the far left).

1 Month Checkup

Our buddy is healthy and at the top of the charts. His length is 23.25" (98th percentile for boys) and weight is 12 lb 4.5 oz (93%). His head circumference is 38.1 cm (71%).

Sunday, July 09, 2017

Sunday with the Gravitts

The Gravitts came to visit on Sunday. Kit and Alise paired up and pretended to be security agents. Winnie, Corrine, and Renee played college.

Saturday, July 08, 2017

A Visit with the Carlisles

We love how a family of 8 can still be so baby crazy!

Mini Mommies

Winnie, Camdyn, Kit, and Rylan - the mini mommies! Emerson sure has inspired a new level of playing house.

The Five of Us

Friday, July 07, 2017

1 Month Old

Grandpa & Grandma Lovie

Grandma and Grandpa watched all 3 kids on Friday so that I could attend a colleague's retirement party.