Sunday, December 31, 2017

Play Days

The Christmas break has been wonderful! The days have started with a very happy Emerson & have been filled with fun activities like Winnie serving me breakfast in bed, playing in the snow, exercising (it's a riot to say, "Emerson, jump!"), conducting science experiments, reading, and plenty of roughhousing.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Shopping at Toys-R-Us!

The girls had gift cards from Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Matt for shopping at Toys-R-Us. Winnie picked out science stuff, and Kit chose a pair of skates.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

4 Teeth!

And just like that, Emerson has 4 teeth and can sit up by himself! He was my little buddy today at my eye exam.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas in Kettering

We spotted Santa riding his bike in Kettering on our way to Papa and GG's. The kids all had fun opening presents, making a paper ornament, and playing with each other. Kit and Winnie were excited to give Papa and GG the gifts they had purchased/made for them. GG and the girls sewed some final touches on new doll clothes. During dinner, Emerson and Bo struck up a conversation. Later, the kids had the best time playing Pie Face. While gone, Emerson got a third tooth (first tooth on top).

Christmas Treasures

I was touched to get these treasures from the girls! Winnie made Doc and me this salt dough snow family, and Kit bought herself and me mother/daughter necklaces.

Christmas Morning

Oh, the joy of Christmas morning! The girls found me downstairs, and we went and got Doc/Daddy. Then we all gathered around Emerson's bed and woke him up for his first Christmas. Santa left stockings, a Kit doll for Kit, Star Wars items for Winnie, and a light stroller for Emerson. The girls also enjoyed opening the complete Harry Potter set (Kit), Legos (Winnie), clothes and bags from Justice, more books, and calendars. All of this stuff made for some good playing!

It's great seeing the girls enjoy the gift of giving. Kit gave Winnie clip pulls, Emerson socks, and Doc Peanut M&Ms. Winnie gave Kit an Elf on the Shelf notebook.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

More from Christmas Eve

The snow came at just the right time for a white Christmas! Kit and Winnie exchanged presents with Cam and Ry. Suddenly Emerson can sit up by himself. The girls expressed sadness that Snowball the Elf will be leaving, and we left out cookies and milk for Santa.

Christmas Eve with Grandma & Grandpa

We celebrated with Grandma Lovie, Grandpa, Zech, Ciara, and Matthew on Christmas Eve. Fortunately, Grandma is getting better following a second knee surgery. The girls were proud to give gifts that they purchased with money they earned.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Big Boy Chair

Today I assembled Emerson's highchair, a gift from the ladies in the family, and he loves it. Since it's on wheels, we can move it close to the action so that he doesn't miss a Daddy doing some Christmas cooking and Winnie creating science experiments.

Christmas Greetings

We had fun with this year's Christmas card. The shots were taken in mid-November, and I'm sharing now since the cards have been delivered :)

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Christmas Kindness

Tonight we had fun opening toys from my coworker Charmon and from Joe, Michelle, and Noah. We appreciate everyone's kindness!

School Christmas Parties

I left work early to make it to the girls' Christmas parties at school. We made brownies for Kit's class. Winnie wasn't into being photographed today, and her friend T'yanna was quick to help her out.