Sunday, January 27, 2019

Winnie's 8th Birthday

At Winnie's request, we made banana bread on her actual birthday. She's wearing new panda jammies from the neighbors. I also found this worksheet in her book bag.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Emerson's 1st Time Sledding

Just enough snow for some slow sledding! Emerson enjoyed his first time out. Doc and Winnie ended up wet after hitting an ice patch.

Winnie's 8th Birthday Sleepover

Winnie hosted a panda party sleepover in celebration of her 8th birthday. Friends Penny, Camdyn, and Emma (plus Kit and Rylan) had a blast with her. These girls sure do know how to have a good time. Constant laughter!

Monday, January 21, 2019

Winter Photo Shoot

I'm having fun with my Nikon camera. With a phone always nearby, I have gotten out of the habit of taking pictures with my camera, but wow! What a difference!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Post-Birthday Playing

Kit (& Winnie) have been having so much fun building Lego Friends sets!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Kit's 10th Birthday Sleepover

Kit hosted a Lego Friends sleepover in celebration of her 10th birthday. Friends Stella, Erin, Rylan, and Gianna (plus Winnie and Camdyn) were part of the fun. Baby brother Emerson and the gymnastic rings in the basement were hits. Kit said, "It was super duper fun."

Saturday, January 12, 2019


Toss-up between Daddy and Emerson being the most excited! Girls were thrilled, too!

Monday, January 07, 2019

Emerson at 19 Months

Emerson is 19 months old! He likes to play outside, do "Ring Around the Rosie" with his sisters, go down steps on his bottom, pray at meals & say "Amen," and listen to a story before bedtime.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

OSU Games with the Carlisles

The Carlisles came over to help cheer on the Bucks to win the Rose Bowl.

Welcoming in 2019

We welcomed in the New Year at the Lubben's house. Surprisingly, we made it to midnight for the second year in a row! The kids had no problem staying up. It was a windy night. Right after midnight, we lost power for several hours.