Saturday, January 30, 2021

Winnie's 10th Birthday

Winnie had a great 10th birthday! On her actual birthday, she had in-person school and received a giant sucker from her teacher. Over the weekend, we went out for Chinese food with Emma, followed by a sleepover.


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Enjoying the Hot Tub

We continue to love our hot tub. As you might have guessed from the goggles, Emerson likes to work on his swimming.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Matt, Molly & Shadow


We got to meet Matt & Molly's new puppy, Shadow. It's awesome to see how happy the puppy has made them!

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Kit's 12th Birthday


Happy birthday to Kit! You were born on a historical day 12 years ago, and we got to celebrate history on your birthday once again. It means "no limits" living for you.

On Saturday, we celebrated by eating dinner at Olive Garden (with Kenley), followed by ice cream cake at the house (with Sarah).

Monday, January 18, 2021

Emerson's Big Boy Bed


All that playing wears Emerson out! He had no problem transitioning to his racecar bed, which he inherited from Gage and Brodie. Winnie temporarily moved her bed into the closet and devised a rollercoaster game.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Winnie Opens a Savings Account


Winnie, or 'ole money bag as I like to call her, took her $244.39 to Huntington and opened a savings account!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Living Room Project


Phase 1 of our living room project is complete. The walls were repaired by Tyler after taking down the surround sound system we inherited with the house. The tile floor was demolished to prepare for our locker/cubby installation.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Virtual Kisses


Emerson gave Grandma Lovie kisses on a video call.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Trip to Bowling Green

It felt good to get out of the house to celebrate Gage's birthday and see the Swaisgood's new home. The girls were happy to have their birthdays recognized (early), too. We went to Dave & Buster's and had treats at Odd Fodder. On Sunday, we got to visit with the Collets and Gorenflos.

Saturday, January 02, 2021

Emerson's Gift to Us


Before I forget, this little cutie gave us an early Christmas gift: he's now fully potty trained! Emerson amazed us with his ability to hold it - as long as 48 hours (we know that doesn't seem possible, but we learned it can be done). It was a rough week to ten days, but he got the hang of it.