Friday, December 31, 2021

Inside/Outside Playgrounds

We spent quality family time at the Park of Roses (saw deer!) and Graeter's on Bethel Rd.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Gathering with Friends

It sure was good catching up with the Yarns and Meadows.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Christmas with the Kaelbers

We had fun celebrating Christmas with Grandma, Grandpa, Matt, and Molly. A highlight was learning and playing the golf card game.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Kit texted at 5:30 to let us know Emerson was eager to come downstairs. I loved seeing the kids come downstairs with the gifts they had for others. We opened the presents, ate cinnamon rolls, played, painted nails, built Emerson's new desk, attempted a new game, and had breakfast casserole and mimosas for brunch. 

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, Uncle Matt came and made pizzas for us while we attended church. We were delightfully surprised that Emerson was part of a video montage during the service. He said that Rudolph was his favorite Christmas song and answered that he would have brought the baby Jesus baby toys. Molly joined us at the house after work. We finished watching Elf and left out cookies and milk for Santa. At bedtime, the kids decided to have a sleepover in Winnie's room.

Friday, December 24, 2021

A New Look

Hello there, Farrah Fawcett. Rag rollers and layers might require some tweaking. Kit's "big Christmas gift" was purchased at Minga Orthodontics (she doesn't find this very funny).

Christmas Week Fun

We've been enjoying downtime with friends this week (Mina, Sarah, and Reagan). We baked Great Grandma Parsell's gingerbread cookies, made chocolates, recorded the Hippo song for Grandpa, and organized (a lot). Emerson is still on a cleaning kick! We hosted dinner for Zech and Sheila, conducted room inspections, and opened the hoverboard they sent. Kit got braces, new glasses, and a haircut with some layers. Winnie went to COGC's team party.

Family Pictures

We worked with a photographer we met from Winnie's school to have these Christmas photos taken. It was a frigid day, but that was the least of our worries. Emerson had a meltdown over clothes, but we got that resolved and packed into the van. Then I turned around to see Winnie sucking on candy that made her teeth and mouth completely red! Thankfully, I had some wipes with us. Then, Tego got us all muddy because it had rained a lot the day before. So all things considered, these photos were a success :)


Friday, December 17, 2021

BBCP Christmas Program

We loved watching Emerson in the Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool Christmas program. He sang out and swayed to the music. I think it's fair to say everyone there was filled with Christmas joy.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Winnie's Landscape

Winnie's art - inspired by a Ted Harrison landscape.

Emerson & Mina

These two are something else together :) They were noticing all they have in common: blonde hair, same height, like Play-Doh, and love M&M's.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Special Finds

On Saturday, I helped Winnie reach her goal of minimalizing her room. As we reduced clutter, we found these treasures. Her prayer from last year was answered :) Continued prayers for Grandpa John P!

Friday Entertainment

Along with Sarah, the kids sure know how to put on a show! They were the entertainment when we had the Lubbens over.

Winnie's Spelling Bee

We're proud that Winnie voluntarily took part in her school's spelling bee. She spent time in the evening working on lists of words. We got to watch the event online and see Winnie demonstrate courage and knowledge. Great job!

Kit's Choir Concert

I loved the live music at Kit's Choir concert. Mrs. Gilleon has her choirs sounding top-notch. Kit was the featured seventh great soloist, performing "Halo" and sounding like an angel. Friends Kenley and Regan were on hand to support her. 

Emerson Organizes

Emerson's latest kick is a useful one: organizing! He told me, " I love to clean and organize."