Monday, December 26, 2022

Merry Christmas!

I love Christmas, and I love these people! The kids continued their tradition of a sleepover together on Christmas Eve. Kit responsibly called in the morning to make sure the timing of coming down the stairs was good. I love the kids' happiness of giving and receiving presents. We enjoyed one-on-one time (hanging Winnie's new closet curtains, watching a t.v. series with Kit, and playing firefighter with Emerson). Before the girls headed out, we played golf, and Winnie was our Christmas champion.

Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve! Matt and Molly made the extra-slow, careful drive to our place. Grandma and Grandpa made it, too, after Seth helped with the plow in Marion. We loved being able to celebrate Maggie's first Christmas with her. I'm wearing the necklace Emerson bought me for Christmas last year. 

Holiday Gathering with Zech

The girls are excellent charcuterie board makers - the perfect task prior to hosting. We welcomed Zech and Rebecca despite the crazy weather. Per the tradition, Uncle Zech did a room inspection. This time only Emerson was prepared.

Bowling & Buddy the Elf Pasta

Emerson got to try bowling for the first time on Thursday. Kit was his devoted helper, and we all benefitted from bumpers. For dinner, we made Buddy the Elf pasta. I think only Seth was able to eat it all.

Cookies & Community Service

On Wednesday we made a batch of cutout cookies. Once the cookies were decorated, we snuck to the trail leading to Sourcepoint to spread gravel. We hope our little act of service helps neighbors and their four-legged friends stay cleaner.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Donuts in December

Great job to Winnie at Donuts in December, a practice competition at COGC. With Grandma Jo, Grandma Lovie, her dad, and all of us there cheering her on, Winnie placed first on bars, second on floor, and second overall for her division and age group. She made me especially proud when she was there to comfort a younger teammate who missed landing a handspring. A super start to competing as a silver!

Huntington Holiday Train

On Saturday, we ate at 4th and State, a vegan diner in downtown Columbus. It was fun being there with snow lightly falling. Then, we headed to the Columbus Metropolitan Library to see the Huntington Holiday Train. Doc and Kit made up a funny book titles game. Winnie made the painting at home.

Sand Volleyball

Kit got to play four-on-four sand volleyball at Oasis, which is next door to her club. Her friend Alex was on her team. Later, he hosted their friends for dinners before heading to Wildlights at the zoo.

The Spirit of Siblings

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

BBCP Christmas Program

Our little innkeeper did a great job at his preschool Christmas program. What a joyful time!

All Aboard!

We were so entertained by Mr. George at the Delaware Library's Polar Express storytime. The theatrical librarian acted/dressed as several characters, played the harmonica and bagpipes well, and got laughs out of attendees of all ages. He punched Emerson's ticket with an "L" for love. 

Speaking of love, Emerson and Tego have a special bond.

Winterfest & Basketball

The boys and I had fun at the Westerville Winterfest. Reluctant at first, Emerson got into the spirit and had a blast playing in inflatables. Then, we went down the street to basketball where Emerson made his first shot. The i9 ref lifted him up at the end of the game to dunk the ball. He smiled at first but then became bashful. Later, I asked him if he got a little embarrassed. Emerson answered, "No, all the way!"

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Fun with Friends

Today, Emerson and Winnie made gingerbread houses. Winnie had friends Khloe and Lydia over to complete a school project. Later, Kit hosted Kenley, Reagan, and Izzy. We appreciate what good kids they all are!

Friday, December 09, 2022