Thursday, September 22, 2022

Hyatts at Worthingway

Doc was on hand for the Eagles beating Worthingway. He said Kit did solid, especially in the first of two sets.

Winnie Doin' Her Thing

Hyatts Vs Genoa

Kit had fun beating club friends Liv and Nim in the game against Westerville Genoa. I enjoyed seeing how all of the girls have progressed. Grandma and grandpa were there to cheer Kit on, too!

Tennis & Tiny Houses

We made it to another tennis lesson (kind of like chasing a tennis ball!), and Emerson had a blast. Then we stopped by the tiny houses to play.

Emerson Receives Soccer Award

Proud of Emerson who earned a teamwork medal at soccer today! Tego is wearing the cone of shame because of an allergy that is causing him to overlick his paws.

Hyatts at Newark Liberty

Eagles took home a win!

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Hyatts Vs Orange

Hyatts had moments of excellence, but it just wasn't enough to win against Orange this time.

Emerson & Mommy Time

While dad was at a martial arts class, Emerson and I had a "date" at Oakland Nursery to play in the spooky houses, followed by Dairy Queen for a slushie, and a quick stop at Aldi.

Soccer Skills

We had another fun Saturday morning watching Emerson and his teammates get the hang of soccer.

Winnie's Sweetness

What a loving surprise, Winnie. You are an excellent daughter, and you DO give back to me and others.

Go Bears!

The whole family went to cheer on Berlin during the home game against Liberty. Not pictured are the girls who like to hang out with their friends :) This week wore Emerson out!

Emerson Starts Pre-K

Emerson started pre-K in Ms. Cara's class at Bright Beginnings. His favorite animal is the Berlin Bear, and he wants to be a snake collector when he grows up (no idea why!). He loves riding his bike and running during soccer.

Hyatts at Berkshire

The Hyatts game at Berkshire was intense! Berkshire won the first set, but Hyatts came back and took set two. It was close during the third, but Berkshire won. Grandma Jo, Doc, Emerson, and I were all on hand to cheer for our favorite #3.

Winnie's Practice

Winnie gets to do all kinds of interesting exercises during team conditioning. Grandma Jo and I got to watch before heading to Kit's volleyball game.

Hyatts Vs Heritage

Hyatts easily defeated Heritage. Good job, Kit!

Labor Day in Bowling Green

The Swiasgoods hosted a Labor Day party. We had fun catching up with everyone and looking at old photos of the kids when they were babies and toddlers. Speaking of babies, we got our Maggie fix, too! Winnie kept herself busy by devising a pulley system during the ride.

Monday, September 05, 2022

Emerson Rides a Bike

We suspected he could have done it at the beginning of summer, and now Emerson is riding a bike! The "push, push, pedal" technique didn't seem as important for him. He just sort of new what to do.

Mini Golf

Seth and I took Emerson to Olentangy Mini Golf to try putt putt. He's more of a raker than a putter. I beat Seth by one stroke!

Family Fun

Saturday afternoon was family fun time. We got Canes's and Crumbl and played golf (the card game). Doc won!

Fun with Friends

On Saturday, Kenley took Kit and Alexis stand up paddle boarding at Alum Creek.

Volleyball: Bunsold, Perry & McCord

The Eagles had a great week, beating Marysville Bunsold, Worthington Perry, and McCord. Kit was a starter for all of the games. She scored the winning point in two of the three games!