Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Merry Christmas 2023

It was a Merry Christmas despite COVID making the rounds, apparently to Kit now. The kids had fun waking up together in Kit's room and coming down together to open gifts. We had fun making cotton candy and watching "The Grinch."

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, Emerson helped make strawberry and Wow butter cookies for Santa. When we put out the cookies and milk, Emerson got his "Jesus Loves Me" snowglobe so that Santa would be reminded of the meaning of Christmas.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve Eve

After all this time, Seth and I are having our turn with COVID. It didn't stop Uncle Zech from coming for lunch. We played Uno, and Emerson got the hang of it. We waved to Matt & Molly as we exchanged gifts from the porch.

Three Kid Pileup

Christmas break has officially begun!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Emerson Honored for Empathy

I loved taking Emerson to his Rise Up Breakfast on Monday. He was selected for displaying empathy! (He is second from the left in the front row.)

Ladies' Christmas 2023

Amanda hosted Ladies' Christmas in Lima, and it was great to spend time with everyone. Winnie put it best: it is probably time to rename it "Inclusive Christmas."

Carlisle Wedding

Congratulations to Luke and Becky Carlisle! Seth and I enjoyed being at their wedding and reception. It was great to see all six Carlisle kids and get to know some of Luke's other friends at the Women's Club Home.

Jungle Gym Class

Emerson got to start his parkour class a few weeks ago. He had been on the wait list for a couple of months, and we were happy he could begin going. He reports that he enjoys the zipline the most.

Scavenging for Sticks

One of Emerson's current faves is to gather sticks at Sourcepoint. He's ready to have a fire!

Monday, December 04, 2023

First Meet at the Gold Level

Great job to Winnie for all her hard work preparing for the competition season at the gold level. The first meet was at COGC, and she placed fifth on bars.

Go Bruins, Go!

Thanksgiving Weekend

The Thanksgiving weekend was relaxing - we just had hoped Ohio State would beat that team up north! We finished our decorating and had Grandma Lovie for lunch on Sunday.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023

We had a fun Thanksgiving with the Jump family in Kettering. There was a lot of laughter and competitiveness playing charades and spoons.

Thanksgiving Eve

After working a couple of hours on Wednesday, I took the kids to the new smoothie shop in Lewis Center and out to a few stores. Later, we had a wonderful dinner at home and shared what we appreciate about each person in the family. We also decorated the basement tree.

Basketball Cheer Begins

Basketball cheer has begun! The first home game for the 7th grade boys was colorful with intense coaching and a Bruin player flying over an opponent.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Emerson's Fun Days

A few great days for Emerson! He finally got to have kindergarten class pal Luke over to play. We had a mommy-son date at Quaker Steak & Lube. Plus he got in 10 seconds of yoga: "Can we turn it off now? I've had enough of calmness."

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Athens Getaway

A big thank you to Grandmas Jo and Lovie for helping with the kids so Seth and I could enjoy hiking in Athens and at Clear Creek Metro Park!