Recently hit a big milestone - 20 years of public service in Ohio! I've been reflecting...
The 20 Most Important Things I’ve Learned in 20 Years of Public Service
20. Make sure you believe in the mission of the agency.
19. Slow down and enjoy it all.
18. Try to hold everyone in high regard.
17. Ask for you what you want. The worse thing that can happen is that you receive a “no”.
16. A mentor taught me to “Never let ‘em see you sweat.” I’ve come to believe the real merit in this statement is to try not to get worked up about things – to not sweat in the first place.
15. Value diverse feedback.
14. There is always a way to make it better.
13. Thank people often for what they do.
12. Learn what you can from mentors while you can because they won’t be around forever.
11. Laugh at yourself when you mess up.
10. I can work in a lot of different roles to help impact positive change. The important thing is the personal energy I bring to those different roles.
9. Don’t forget to put family first.
8. Stay calm in crisis – you’ll manage it better & the truth is, it will pass.
7. Support colleagues in their growth and advancement.
6. Stay relevant by always learning and trying new things.
5. Change is part of the deal – might as well be comfortable with it.
4. The work you do + the way you treat people = reputation.
3. Care for those you work with – they are in many ways your family.
2. Breathe.
1. It’s not about me – it’s ALWAYS about the people we are serving.