Monday, September 25, 2023

Kit's Homecoming

Kit and her friends had fun at their freshman homecoming. They took pictures at OWU, and parents brought food and drinks to the Alumni Center. Then, they boarded a party bus (note the sensible shoe change!) and rode around before going to the dance.


Volleyball Wrapup

This week the Bears played Big Walnut (came close to pulling out a win), Dublin Jerome (won against friend Prisha), and at Marysville (won by a mile).

Fun Run

Dad swung by the school to see the PTO's fun run in motion. Go Emerson!

Learning More Baseball

Emerson is learning more about baseball - tonight he tried out the catcher position.


Look at these 7th grade Bruins, stunting at Liberty Middle!

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Volley for the Cure

Berlin and Liberty competed during Volley for the Cure. The freshman team won set one but didn't quite get it together to win sets two and three. Kit got to play/see several friends she knew from Hyatts.

Middle School Night at Berlin High

Berlin Middle, Hyatts, and Berkshire students got to participate at Friday night's game. During third quarter, the middle school cheerleaders joined the high schoolers. 

Emerson's friend Cammy from preschool spotted him and came over to say hello. "You're getting so big and so strong, Emerson," she said. Emerson replied, "Did you break up with me?" She answered, "No, I would never do that." Then she insisted on a hug.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Tangy and Darby

The Bears almost won in the very close game against Tangy. It was fun for Kit to be up against Coach Nicole and friend Mia.

On Thursday, the Bears easily defeated Hilliard Darby. The energy level of this game was very low compared to earlier in the week. I'm proud of Kit for bringing her best as a player and captain (she kept trying to raise the enthusiasm!).

Berlin Beats Berkshire

The cheer team had touchdowns to celebrate at the Berkshire game. Go Bruins! The rival teams played a bonus quarter, too.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Off-Roading for Scoops

Jen (and non-driver Bryson!) took Emerson for a ride in their Jeep over to Sticky Fingers, and now he's ready to go again!

Last Swim at Alum Creek?

Emerson's most common request of the summer has been to go to Alum Creek. After his swim lesson on Sunday, we headed over. He and dad were among the few brave enough to go into the lake. 

Visit at Cross Creek

We visited Papa and GG at Cross Creek and got in some shuffleboard and pony rides. 

Fall Ball

Fall ball has begun! Emerson played in his first coach-pitch game on Saturday. After hitting the ball, he carried the bat all the way to first base.

Friday, September 08, 2023

Winning Streak

Kit had a fan club at Tuesday's home game against Newark. She played all-around for the first time, and the Bears won! On Thursday, she played all-around again, and her team easily beat Lancaster.

Berlin-Hyatts, 0-0

Papa and GG came to Winnie's cheering at the Hyatts-Berlin game. We were hoping to squash Hyatts :) The boys ended up 0-0, and bonus: the rain held off!

Monday, September 04, 2023

Cousins' Camping 2023

We relaxed a lot by the swimming pond and pool and also enjoyed put putt, volleyball, pickball, and basketball at Huggy Bear.

Celebrating Matt and Molly

Cousins' Camping was the perfect time to hold a low-key wedding shower for Matt and Molly. Since we were at Huggy Bear Campground in Middle Point, we went with a teddy bear theme. Great job to Seth for pulling together dinner and drinks.