Monday, February 19, 2024

Presidents' Day Grand Prix

15 Shamrock ended both days of the Grand Prix tournament at Spooky Nook with wins! They also came close during a couple of the games. Kit played great and demonstrated strong leadership skills.


Before I headed out for Kit’s tournament, Emerson and I got in some sledding. I loved hearing him laugh during the rides. As he was tiring out from the incline walks, he looked at me and said, “I bet you’re getting your steps in today!”

Valentine's Day

Emerson had fun at his kindergarten Valentine’s Day party on Monday. In preparation for it, he worked hard to address all of the valentines to his classmates. 

Winnie hosted a “Galentines” for Emma and Camdyn, which included lots of pink treats from the Dollar Tree. 

Monday, February 05, 2024

Club Season Begins: Central Zones

15 Shamrock had their first tournament in Indianapolis. Kit is the team's captain, and she did a great job in the leadership role. They won one of their games and came really close to winning a couple.