Seth and I helped Ilene with her move from a rehab facility in St. Charles to assisted living in Ohio. Even though she was sad to leave behind her home and most of her belongings, she has been open to a new adventure. She has been glad to see the kids and even participated in the afternoon activity (shown with the soap the residents made).
I enjoyed running with Emerson at the PTO-sponsored Fun Run. Ms. Gnagy (SMES Principal) has impressive energy - she was dancing and running with her students throughout the sessions. Emerson was all smiles despite the heat!
The Bears came so close to beating the Celtics. They went for three sets, losing in the third (25 - 22). I'm so glad Kit is feeling better and able to play again!
Kit enjoyed her sophomore homecoming with a large group of friends. They gathered for photos at the Lakes Golf and Country Club, had dinner at Brio, stopped by the dance, and had a pajama afterparty.
Despite a quick shower, it was exciting to watch Winnie cheer during the first quarter of the high school game. Emerson had fun beforehand during the Shale Meadows tailgate party. This was Winnie's second time to cheer at BHS and first time to cheer in a poncho!
The Bruins got to be under the big lights during a late game at Big Walnut. This middle school was previously the high school. Because it was still so warm when they played, spectators for both teams sat on the shaded side.