Monday, July 28, 2014

Field Trip to Mommy's Work

The girls got to take a field trip to Mommy's work on Monday. After touring the office and eating in the cafeteria, we hopped on the Cbus and got off to play at the Columbus Commons.

Make It Monday: School Countdown Chains

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Delaware Car Show

At Kit's request, we walked around the downtown Delaware car show on Saturday. It was a surprisingly fun outing! The girls lucked out and got special balloon bracelets.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Summer Dance Recital

The girls' summer dance sessions at the Arts Castle wrapped up on Friday. I was thankful to arrive in time to watch. Ms. Karen had everyone moving, and even Grandma Lovie got in on the action.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Make It Monday: Sewing

Sewing with shelf liner!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Athens Trip

On Sunday, we visited with the Schuenkes in Athens. The weather was great for canoeing at Strouds Run and eating on the OU campus.

Kit's Offering

Kit packed an old check register in her purse and put this together at church this morning.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday Outings

The girls celebrated Brooklyn Campbell's 4th birthday with her at the Academy Park in Gahanna. Then we stopped off for haircuts. Kit got a new look! No more tangles, no more fuss!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Make It Monday: Envelope Sharks

The Meyers came to visit on Monday, and we made sharks from envelopes. Kit and Nolan were really into it, but Reid preferred gluing & Winnie was content stamping paper.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Kingdom Rock Wraps Up

We had a fun week at Kingdom Rock, which wrapped up on Friday night. The children learned to stand strong in God. Kit and Winnie enjoyed everything: the games, imagination station, making snacks, and the lessons. And no surprise, they sang and danced their hearts out!

Monday, July 07, 2014

Vacation Bible School 2014

Vacation Bible School 2014, Kingdom Rock, began Monday at Peace. The girls love the songs and have learned the corresponding dance moves since I'm heading up the music. We get to take part each night this week from 6 to 8:30.

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Visit with the Gravitt Family

We visited the Gravitt family in Beavercreek on Sunday. They recently moved back to Ohio from Thailand. Kit and Winnie had fun playing with Elise and Corrine as well as kissing the top of baby Renee's head.

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Summertime Fun at Easton

We went to Easton to play in the fountains today. Bonus: the Columbus Zoo was there with a penguin, kangaroo, and wallaby!