Saturday, January 31, 2015

Play Dates

Today Emma came to play with Kit. In the late afternoon, Nova and Bender played in the snow with us and joined in Twister and Uno.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Winnie Turns 4!

Happy 4th birthday to Winnie! She took oatmeal raisin cookies to school and chose McDonald's for a special treat.

Winnie loves to get a laugh out of others, adores her sister, loves preschool, hates to be tickled, and prefers nights to mornings. She is determined, independent, sensitive, and funny.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Make It Monday: Necklaces & More

On this snowy day, we made all kinds of things, most notably Play-Doh snow people and Cheerios necklaces. Doc was able to work from home, and the girls could hardly wait for him to come join us upstairs.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Monster High Birthday Party

The girls chose Monster High as the party theme for their birthdays. Thankfully, we were able to have the event at Peace and include more children than would have been possible at home. We had lots of fun playing Monster High musical chairs, competing to make the best mummies (not so easy with cheap toilet paper!), and creating monster slime (which took a second try to get right). Kit and Winnie loved putting together the Monster High goody bags that were passed out at the party's conclusion. A special thanks to everyone that loved on the girls in recognition of their 6th and 4th birthdays!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Kit's 6th Birthday!

Happy 6th birthday to Kit! Her birthday got off to a good start with breakfast at Tim Hortons. Then her class celebrated her special day with singing and gifts from Ms. Becker. Later Nova came over, and the girls fingerprinted in shaving cream.

Speaking of Ms. Becker, she had this to say about Kit in her grade card received last week: "Kit is a hard worker. She enjoys being around her friends. She is such a kind young lady."

Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

Make It Monday: Snowflakes and Snowman

Today we made snowflakes from coffee filters as well as a snowman. Go Bucks!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Girl Scout Cookies

...and the cookie sales begin!

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Snow Day

Today was Kit's first day back to school, but Delaware City Schools were closed. Kit had hoped this would be the case. Last night she told me, "I hope school is closed so that I can play with you more."

Monday, January 05, 2015

Make It Monday: Pinecone Owls

Today we made pinecone owls. More specifically, Winnie's teeny creature is a pirate pinecone owl.

Saturday, January 03, 2015

Gage's 3rd Birthday Party

We celebrated Gage's 3rd birthday in Bowling Green this weekend. Jess did a great job with the dinosaur-themed party. We stayed the night and enjoyed catching up with Jess, Andy, and the kids.