Saturday, September 28, 2019

A New Do For Winnie Pooh

Winnie got her first haircut by my stylist Amanda.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Never a Dull Day!

It's never a dull day with these three! Winnie loved dressing up at the thrift store (the dress stayed at the store). We scored some wooden blocks for Emerson. Kit started trombone this year, and Emerson likes to practice with her.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Beautiful Day

A beautiful day for running and boating!

Saturday, September 07, 2019

Monday, September 02, 2019

Fun Little People

Pictured: Emerson having fun at the Orange Branch Library and the girls making scrunchies.

Sunday, September 01, 2019

All Horse Parade

We were thrilled to run into Nova and her family at the All Horse Parade. Emerson loved it and mimicked sounds as he played with toy horses. The girls were glad the Berlin Bears took part.

Running Buddy

Cousins' Camping 2019

We had a great time at Cousins' Camping despite some rain. We had a record 4 dogs with us at D10 and D25 at Indian Lake State Park Campground. Sheilah came for the first time. The older kids got to enjoy the new in-ground pool. We improvised and had Sunday lunch at the shelter house at Pirates Cove. Because more rain was headed our way, we packed up and headed out, missing the Ring of Fire.

Emerson stayed one night in the tent. He woke around 3 am and said he wanted to go home. "All done tent." He did, however, like playing with Brodie, Baylor, and Noah! They rode the trike and motorcycle, pushed a doll stroller, and played with cars.

The girls had fun with both the little and big kids. We made it to the playground several times. On the last day, the older kids tried dying shirts and washcloths with Michelle.