Monday, January 30, 2017

Dance Observation Week

It's always fun to watch the girls dance!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Happy 6th Birthday, Winnie!

Happy 6th birthday, Winnie! She was all smiles despite feeling icky. She took in a small treat (Whoppers) to her class, and came home to a special gift --a double-bunk bed for her dolls since the "together gift" of a triple-bunk doll bed has been pretty much claimed by her sister.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Shopkins Birthday Party

The girls designed and enjoyed their Shopkins Birthday Party! Activities included a Pringles taste challenge and Shopkins craft. We did have a couple of boys present, but they didn't join in the group photo. To top it off, Grace and Jess spent the night.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Happy 8th Birthday, Kit!

Happy 8th birthday to the bubbly and fun Kit Parsell! She had a special day with picking out a special doughnut for breakfast, sharing cupcakes with her class, having mom at lunch at the school, getting recognized by her teacher, opening a couple of gifts at home, and watching a movie with the family.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Girl Scout Cookie Time

It's that time again! Kit's goal is to sell 800 boxes. Not to be outdone, Winnie's goal is 899.

Kit Tries Decaf

Begged to try some decaf and then didn't care for it at all!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Our Little Guy

Week 18 - our little guy is the size of a bell pepper. We all got to spend time looking at him at the ultrasound appointment. The technician called him "Textbook Perfect." The girls couldn't wait to add their photos to their journals.

Sunday, January 08, 2017

Playing Vacation

These two are perhaps way more sophisticated with their play than I was as a child - pictured here playing "vacation."

Saturday, January 07, 2017

Gage's Birthday/Sleepover

We celebrated Gage's 5th birthday on Saturday at Chuck-E-Cheese in Toledo. Winnie was proud that she was brave enough to give the famous mouse a high five. Then we spent the night with the Swaisgoods, and Jess involved the girls in cooking a fancy meal.

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Christmas with the Jumps

Despite the Buckeyes' massive loss, we enjoyed our New Year's Eve and New Year's Day celebration in Kettering. Kit enjoyed a hemming lesson provided by Teri, and Winnie was tuckered out from so much fun!